Cataract is a cloudy or opaque area in the normally transparent lens of the eye. A cataract occurs when clumping of cells or protein causes a cloudy or opaque area in the transparent lens which, as it thickens, obstructs entering light. As the opacity thickens, it prevents light rays from passing through the lens and focusing on the retina, the light sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye. Early changes or opacities in the lens may not disturb vision; however, as the lens continues to change, several specific symptoms including blurred vision; sensitivity to light and glare; increased nearsightedness; or distorted images in either eye, may develop The lens is located behind the iris, the colored portion of the eye, and the pupil, the dark center of the eye. Tiny ligaments, called zonules, support the lens capsule within the eye.
The lens has three parts, the capsule, the nucleus, and the cortex. The outer membrane, or capsule, surrounds the cortex which in turn surrounds the center or nucleus of the lens. If you imagine the lens as a piece of fruit, the capsule is the skin, the cortex is the fleshy fruit, and the nucleus is the pit. Cataract surgeries are performed by making tiny incisions on the eye through which the cataract is removed and a new lens is inserted. The new lens that is implanted is an intraocular lens – a highly specialized clear plastic substitute.
Shri Radhe Vision Foundation organizes camps for identification of people suffering from CATARACT in eyes - a common malady in old age, especially the poor. It is more painful for those living in remote areas, as facilities for treatment of CATARACT are almost inaccessible and poverty a big hurdle. Shri Radhe Vision Foundation has taken up the task of identifying such people in camps organized for this specific purpose and, subsequently, facilitating operation of their CATARACT in well-equipped eye hospital, FREE OF COST The free services include diagnosis medicines, operations, lenses, spectacles, transportation, food and post - operation - care for the CATARACT patients.